Because I announced this was an interactive speech, I took questions throughout the talk. I knew that the color item was going to draw the most interest. Even the men in the audience had questions and statements as to how color has helped them many times in business.
Early during interest in color one woman mentioned the…winter, spring, summer, fall aspect of color; at that point I noticed the body language of the men and the eye rolls. However, when I explained that the scientific method of color and the blue base – yellow base system, the men were intrigued; and they got it!
If you stick with the real provable science of any theory it will always win. So speaking from the scientific end of color I explained the two different classifications and how you tell the difference. I explained how they are measured. Some people (a little over 66% of the population) have more blue in their skin; while the remaining people have more yellow in their skin.
Each system (blue and yellow) have an entire color wheel except for two colors.
- In the blue base color wheel there is no orange -- Why? Because there is too much yellow in orange.
- In the yellow base color wheel there is not magenta – - Why? Because there is too much blue in magenta.
Simple to understand for the men and quick to check.
Over the years what I have learned is that men, when they understand and “get” this system, can be better at spotting the differences then most women. Men don’t seem to be affected by the “styles” of the hour.
When you understand this system, buying clothes and decorating your home can become easier. However, the real help in business in understand this system when present, sell or market to others. You can use the system to your advantage. And in todays market any advantage helps. More next time.
Amazingly Yours
Dr. Marlene
You can read all about the systems and how they work in my book Marketing’s Silent Language,
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