Wednesday, October 3, 2007

WOW - Thanks to all my Listeners!

I have a great big thanks to all the growing number of listeners. After only 8 weeks with a radio show I hit #1 on the Voice America Women Network. Today we crossed 13 weeks and that is a magic number in radioland. Jeff, the president of Voice America said he expected good numbers, but these surprised him. And Me! Of course now they expect more.

What ever is going on...please... keep it up! I am working hard at bringing great interviews to the show; Amazing Women, brains, beauty & style. Bright, sharp and smart women and we have a great time on the show. Most guests think the hour goes by too quickly. So keep telling everyone about the show. In the coming weeks I will have some additions to the show that I think everyone will like. My list of amazing women to interview is always in need of new people. I do have a place on my website (see favorite links) to contact me with names and don't forget their email address. If you think of something you would like discussed on the show...send me that also. I am open to suggestions.

The amazing woman I had on today Regina Leeds, the guru of organizing and decluttering was so good with all her stories and information (pick it up from the rss feed) she could help all of us live life less cluttered. I talked to her off the air today after the show and she has agreed to do a show around the first of the year on how to make the post holidays less stressful and what to do to get organized for 2008. So don't miss this one. If you sign up for my E-Card that goes out each week telling you about the show, you won't miss a thing.

Hey advertisers...if you are looking for a show with a growing female audience, this is the one you are looking for; with more on tap for 2008.

One last posting. Congratulations to Tim and Cathleen (our youngest boy) they are making us first time Grandparents!! Yahoo! You will make great parents and just imagine it should only take about 25 years to get it right.

Amazingly Yours
Dr. Marlene

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