Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween and Spooky Colors

Hi Everyone! If you are here from listening to my radio show today welcome. Sorry this is going up so late. I had to help out all the little trick or treat ghosts and this year really cute costumes.

This is what the poll is all about:

I just spent the most frustrating time last weekend looking for some new clothes. (Yes I have become a major clothes-horse since the weight loss) Here is my problem as I see it.

The styles themselves were great when I wore them back in the 70’s but with persistence and a few good places I can get around the style problem. My problem is the colors in the clothes. One thing that I learned while writing Marketing’s Silent Language is that clear or clean colors look best. I do not include that statement for the “heathered” look of two colors of thread like what the designers call oatmeal: that, is a specific woven effect.

What I am talking about is the gray undertone to most of the colors in the stores. I went to all the big stores…I live close to South Coast in Southern California and everything and I mean everything is either in those malls that are very close to South Coast. It made no difference if it was very high end or very low end price range. The colors to me all had a gray cast to them. This made the garments look dirty or old or an out of fashion color. Except for black or white

My problem is, all the colors seemed to be affected. I remember this happening a couple of times before, as I mentioned in the book, just before the tech bubble burst a few years ago, Gray was in the “in” designer color. It is a depressing color to be an “in” color. I am beginning to think they had a lot of gray dye left over and are using it up now. I don’t know…the colors seem old looking.

Am I the only one seeing this? Are you seeing this also? Are you having a frustrating time shopping with the colors that are in the stores?

Next week on the show we will have a personal shopper, designer and movie costume designer. I would like to discuss this problem with her and I would like your opinion also.

Go out and take a look where you usually buy clothes. Are the colors good on you? When you put on the clothes do you feel good?

After you have formed your opinion take my poll. If this is not enough of an answer email me at This should be fun. Can't wait to see your results.

Amazingly Yours
Dr. Marlene

P.S. Don’t forget to listen in next week, Nov. 7th to our personal designer and see how the poll came out. Or you can always listen later on iTunes or download from the archives.

You can learn more about color in my book: Marketing’s Silent Language including how to use it to your advantage. Or you can learn the secrets about my weight loss of 170 lbs. with the mental methods that I used in my book: The Thinking Side to Thin: available on Amazon or under links to my other sites.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Now About the Delicious Pictures…

In my last posting I promised to tell you about the pictures, ah yes those beautiful pictures of wonderfully delicious food. Perfectly arranged, dripping with enticement, visually cooked to perfection. Yeah right!

When people ask me how I stay on my eating plan lifestyle change, they always want to know my secret…I have never told anyone. What I think of when I order at a restaurant or fast food chain. What goes through my mind as I scan the beautiful color menu of luscious dishes…until now!

I think of a photo shoot of food I assisted on years and years ago. I have no idea if they still style food the same today because of digital photography and photo shop. However what they use to do to food was amazing. To get food to look appetizing, they had to go through the most un-appetizing things. Food is just plain hard to photograph and did not hold up well under all the hot lights.

Here are a few ‘styling tricks’ they used on food.

Meat of any kind with those “grill marks”…stamped on with a mixture of steak sauce and dark furniture stain.

Milk always use to shoot a little blue,(like skim milk looks) so most of the time photographed milk was either regular milk with Elmer’s White Glue mixed in or just glue and water. Yum…
You could forget getting any little moisture drops on any food under the hot lights. So all moisture drops are glycerin, sometimes put on one drop at a time, sometimes sprayed on. So all those salads with the just cut freshness look is lettuce with cardboard under it, (so it won’t wilt down) sprayed with glycerin.

That great cup of coffee! Ever notice that coffee has a few bubbles just to the side along the edge of the cup? Most of the time that will happen in a regular cup for just a few seconds after the coffee is poured. To shoot that look in a studio, you had to whip up good ‘ole Elmer’s Glue with water and sometimes a little egg white for those bubbles. The stylist would put in a few bubbles, and then step back for the shoot and hope they would last.

That hot off the grill look of most anything was glycerin again and if you wanted just a slight bit of vapor or smoke coming off the meat with just a tiny smoke pill or a tiny tube under the food attached to canned smoke. Now I am sure they use photo shop for this now as this was a huge time waster when it was used. I remember that shot took about 30 takes. And remember that food doesn’t move.

Ice Cream was a real winner and each stylist had their own little tricks on how they made perfect ice cream cones. The one I sat in on used a combo of paint, ‘Playdough’, plaster and whatever goodies are in the ice cream, like chocolate chips etc. Bingo…forever lasting ice cream cones.

Now you know a little trick on how I analyze food on a menu or in a fast food chain and how I don’t eat as much in restaurants. Enjoy your next outing to any restaurant.

Amazing Yours,
Dr. Marlene

Don’t forget to listen to my show on Wednesday: Halloween, I will be talking with a Wicca or what they use to call a Witch.

You can learn more secrets and about my weight loss of 170 lbs. with the mental methods that I used in my book: The Thinking Side to Thin: available on Amazon or under links to my other sites.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Two of the Three Senses…Gotcha!

Eating out instead of at home when someone is trying to lose weight, can be one of the toughest things to do. It doesn’t matter whether you are going to a nice restaurant or a fast stop to fast food you must manage the restaurants advantage of appealing to two of your three main senses.

First as you walk into the food establishment, you are engulfed with the smell of food! Your personal smell sense with pick out the smell that you like the best, if you are in a group note that one person will smell one thing and another with hit on another smell. (The only time this will not happen is if something has been burned in the kitchen)

Second, comes the sight. The wonderful pictures of all the great dishes the place offers in perfect full color just dripping with enticement. Gone are the days of a simple list of what the restaurant has to offer. Children, teens as well as adults are hooked. Then comes the mega plate meal for each person including the children. What can you do?
Children are easy: an adult can order for them or better yet, if the child is old enough get regular food an extra plate and let them have part of your food. Trust me you have more than enough in today’s market. I will tell you how I avoided the picture trap later.

Teens: Teach them how to make the better choices when they are not eating at home. Here are some quick fixes to today’s problems. Mexican Fast Food: Sticking with the tacos is the best bet. Here is where the boys will appreciate this. Tell them instead of ordering 3 get 4 (more food) then take all the filling out of the tacos onto a plate or wrapper and toss the shells!! Eating the inside, without the shells makes a much better less calorie and fat meal. And it is good! If their peers start ‘hassling’ them, use the allergic to something in the shells comment and let it drop. They may also discover that eating this way will lessen that mid-afternoon sleepiness.

Learning to get rid of most of the breads or fillers in fast food means, while not a perfect meal, will be better. Hamburger places are starting to put out more ‘low carb’ burgers. Again for teens, teach them this way to eat a burger, and let them add an extra slice of cheese; again more food less problems.

Now let’s tackle the problem with those wonderfully rich ‘coffee’ drinks you get at those coffee places on every corner. Teen girls seem to be addicted to them. So I asked one while waiting in line for my coffee. Why do they get those drinks? “Oh, it’s my lunch…so much better than all that fast food!” I almost fell over!! So I asked them do you know how many calories are in each of those drinks. Well…in most of the large ones, there is over 800-1000 calories and you don’t want to know the fat grams! Do you know that you could get many tacos or a couple of hamburgers for that many calories! They were stunned. I explained how I knew, and one in front of me didn’t order her drink. Yeah, changing one mind at a time!

For the girls: if they ate the food instead of the rich coffee drink, maybe some of the “muffin top” hang over on the low rise jeans would go away; which is the start of midriff bulge in many women in their 20’s and 30’s.

For the boys: more protein would help them build better muscle to take into manhood.

I will tell you about the pictures in the next posting. More hints in future postings.

Amazingly Yours
Dr. Marlene

You can learn more secrets for teens and about my weight loss of 170 lbs. and the mental methods that I used in my book: The Thinking Side to Thin: available on Amazon or under links to my other sites.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Training Teens and Eating Right

One of the comments that I get when it comes to my weight loss is “You have such will power; I’ll bet you never eat anything bad and never eat in a fast food restaurant”. Yeah, right, sure…NOT!

During the entire time that I lost the weight, I had fast food. Mexican, hamburgers, even hot dogs (which are the worst) and pizza, I still ate. The difference, I didn’t make it a habit and I was very careful in what I choose.

Teens on the other hand practically live in these places. Or should I say, they drive through them often. Dashboard dining is very common amount those teens with drivers licenses.
What can you teach a teen to; either lose weight or keep it in check, when all the choices of food are spread out on a wall in full color pictures looking enticing and delicious, perfect to eat? Then there are their peers…what can you do?

Let’s take the peer problem first. The age of the child has a lot to do with what is said. As I tell them, if you are losing weight or trying to stay healthy the easiest way to explain the difference in eating habits is one of two ways.

The first is you have discovered that you are allergic to what you are cutting out of your eating. Flour, sugar, bad fat, those items make a huge difference. If peers say they have never seen you with a runny nose, the answer is, this allergy hits me inside. Enough said then drop the subject.

The second is a little harder to pull off. That a coach suggested this is a better way to eat for the child’s or teens build.

Here is what I teach the teens. Within a few weeks to months the body will start to change. They will look better and have a lot more energy. With the right changes they will have more alertness and not be so tired. They will be changing their system to be more efficient. And in some teens, their skin might start to clear up. Wow what a benefit that will be.

They are right in the middle of raging hormones. The body is going through many changes at once. Taking a few of the problems away from the body makes the hormone changes easier on the system.

This is an easy ‘sale’ to teens; they may call you crazy at first, but challenge them to try it. It is easier than they think.

Friday I will discuss what to look for and choices at fast food, or eating away from home. They will be surprised that quantity may not have to change.

Amazingly Yours,
Dr. Marlene

You can learn some of the secrets for teens and about my weight loss of 170 lbs. and the mental methods that I used in my book: The Thinking Side to Thin: available on Amazon or under links to my other sites.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Teen Agers and Eating Right

At least once a week I read in the newspaper or even a magazine how nutritionist or psychologist are training pre-teens and teens in school how to eat better so as to not be one of the 38% of children that are overweight. Then, because I live very close to a high school I see kids do as they want. The places that are the busiest during lunch is the pizza parlor, the convenience store, the Mexican fast food place and now the ice cream truck with a line of 20 deep. At this age nothing is worst than not fitting in. Peer acceptance is what drives most teens.
It is almost as if the nutritionist and the psychologists forgot what it was like when they were a teenager. That their “new way” of teaching ‘children’ is going to work. Good grief ! Telling teens that they should not be eating in fast food restaurants, is like telling them not to breathe! Then you have the peer problem.

Rather than teaching them the ‘new way’, which is no different from the old way, wouldn’t it be better to observe them, then teach to their needs and life style; giving them a few secrets on how to eat, not get fat, still fit into their peer group and not get teased by others?

The biggest problem these ‘teachers’ have is they never had the problem of gaining weight or losing weight. Or they have the problem of being overweight while teaching and the teens blow them off immediately. Teens are not stupid maybe just a little ill-advised, and when presented with options they can use in everyday life, they usually respond.

Presenting a science to teens and pre-teens in a non-scientific way is a hurdle the nutritionist and psychologists need to understand and presenting it at the right time of the lifecycle when it is best absorbed.

More Wednesday on what to present and how.

Amazing Yours,
Dr. Marlene

You can learn some of the secrets for teens and about my weight loss of 170 lbs. and the mental methods that I used in my book: The Thinking Side to Thin: available at Amazon or under links to my sites.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Most Stupid Mistakes While Losing Weight

Personal responsibility is always necessary in business as well as when we are taking the big step to lose weight. So I am going to give you my 6 Biggest and Most Stupid Mistakes we make with weight loss!!

Mistake #1: Say you are… Going on a Diet! Good grief diets don't work because they slow your metabolism down to a snail's pace. The best way to lose weight is to feed your body, not starve it. Helping to speed your metabolism while feeding your body the food and nutrients it needs. Find out your clock for eating. Work on a new eating plan for healthy living. If you must snack…do so wisely with the right kind of food. Don’t eat junk!

Mistake #2: Eating "Low Fat." If you eat anything purchased that says low fat…you can bet it means high sugar. If you don’t get the healthy fats in your eating the results can be a super-slow metabolism, unhealthy skin and hair, depression, and reduced fat burning. To optimize weight loss, eat a cold-water fish like salmon. And increase your protein intake in other ways.

Mistake #3: Speaking of Protein…Eating Too Little Protein! Most people's diets are comprised mostly of carbs such as fruit, vegetables, breads, grains, cereals, pasta, etc. These foods are important... but you must not neglect your protein intake! Protein is important to help you build up lean muscle tissue, which in turn will help you burn away more body fat! While you are losing increase your protein as it takes the body longer for it to process and you don’t get as hungry between meals.

Mistake #4: Not Getting Enough Sleep: To lose weight, you NEED to get at least 7 hours of sleep per night... and preferably 8 to 9 hours. Why? Because, any fewer than 7 hours of sleep will cause your levels of cortical to shoot off the charts. Cortisol is your body's "stress hormone." It actually causes you to GAIN FAT! Getting more sleep will cause your cortisol levels to stay low and steady. Personally I tried this several times during my 170 lb loss. It is so true. When I had a few extra pounds to wanted to get off…I would go to bed earlier. YES EARLIER! When it is your body and it is becoming a new slimmer body don’t you want to treat it different? Because the old way of treating it was one of the reasons you were FAT!!

Mistake #5: Thinking Self-Destructive Thoughts. If you are constantly thinking thoughts of "I just cannot lose weight no matter what I do," you will make that a self-fulfilling prophesy. Stop the pity party! The old statement…you are what you think…couldn’t be more true! Get rid of that little devil that sits on your shoulder that is telling you all the bad things. When the bad ideas creep into your head, flick that little devil off your shoulder. Then learn new attitudes! The Law of Attraction states that you bring into your life what you constantly think about. The power of positive thinking and new ways are almost magical. You'll be amazed at how quickly you'll lose weight when you keep your mind focused on your health and learning new ways to handle life.

Mistake #6: One Bad Meal Destroys the Eating Plan: Good grief, one bad meal or one bad thing will not destroy your new eating plan. I can’t tell you how many people will go along just fine for weeks and weeks then just have to have a candy bar (280 calories). Then say oh well, I guess I can’t keep eating like I should, I will just give up. Believe me they wanted to give up, because it is taking them out of their comfort zone. As long as the bad item or the bad meal doesn’t become a habit, say more than once a month, your new eating plan will survive! Just get back up on the “bike” and start peddling again!

As your weight drops and your metabolism changes (and it does change!) many or those cravings for candy and potato chips will almost go away. To say once or twice a year. I know my candy craving has disappeared to the point when I do allow some during the holidays, I find I am really not as interested. Now that is a real “trip” for any fat person or recovering obese person to go through!

Amazingly Yours
Dr. Marlene

You can learn more about my weight loss of 170 lbs. and the mental methods that I used in my book: The Thinking Side to Thin: available at Amazon or under links to my sites.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Weight Loss/Gain and Personal Responsible

I was at lunch recently when the desert tray was offered. My guest could not believe that I turned down anything on the tray. First after the meal that I just ate, my body was telling me that desert was NOT an option. Second, I have had to make choices in my life to stay at the weight I am.

I have had people tell me that I am strong when it comes to food. ARE THEY KIDDING???? I can hear a taco or a bag of potato chips call to me all the way across town. Oh yes I would love to dive into the biggest bag of chips that I could find and just eat that for each meal till the bag is gone. But I don’t!!! Why?

Personal choice…a choice to be normal weight instead of being obese! Yes I use the word obese. Because the difference between normal weight and obese is partially choice.

Now the reason that I say partially is that we train the body to accept the amount of food that we eat. If we keep training the body to accept more and more and more food we are training the body to be obese. The body will begin to expect more food. In doing so, the body will make room for that extra food. More skin, more storage cells, more veins and arteries. What happens when the body is working like it should…it becomes obese.

The body is a machine. Living but working like a machine. The only part of the body that we have any control over is our brain and our thinking process. But there are two processes in the brain. Our own thinking part; then there is the part of the brain that handles all the processes that we have no control over. Functions that are automatic. Now you are beginning to see what happens. When you give the body more food…the body just builds MORE BODY!

Yikes what a process. That is how people get to be 250, 400, 1200 or even 308 lbs. I read the food intake of a man whose body had grown to 1200 lbs. Breakfast started out with 1 dozen donuts…then went on to 6 eggs and on and on. Trust me this man would not eating 1 piece of whole wheat toast for breakfast. No matter what the media might say. This guy made a choice to be as big as he was. Weather it was a psychological reason or just laziness; he made the choice to eat.

I made the same choices when I was morbidly obese. Such as: eating a huge sandwich for breakfast, never listening to my body that enough was enough at less than half way through. Now with practice, I made different choices. I have learned to listen to my body and my body has trained me very well and rewarded me with considerable weight loss. I will go into more of this next time.

Amazingly Yours,
Dr. Marlene

You can learn how I got to 308 lbs. and what I did to get back down in my book The Thinking Side to Thin. Available on Amazon and on my book website the link is at the side of the page.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Weight Loss and Kids

Two happenings came together last week with shades of the past and many memories. First the good: I was on a panel with Travis Jones, a chef and the CEO of Green Kidz. This new and exciting company is developing, distributing and manufacturing natural and organic prepared foods for children, in order to provide our younger generation a healthy future. Second the not so good. The story of the young girl who got a note sent home because her weight to height ratio landed her in the overweight range of the body mass index. How did these two events create shades of the past?

First…the mother of the girl did not want to face the facts that she was partially responsible for her child being overweight and to make matters worse she gave herself and her child an out or excuse to keep eating, by saying that her daughter was ‘big boned’. I can’t tell you how many times I heard that from my parents and teachers and doctors. On Pleeeze! Most kids do not fall into the ‘big boned’ category.

Second…currently we, as a nation, are feeding our kids the cheapest nutritional deficient and chemically laden foods in our country…why…because it is easy and quick. Today, we seem to be busier than past generations and the food industry have made it easier with “quick meals” in boxes and cans. With most of the packages loaded with sugar, fat and lots of chemicals. Most of the time our bodies don’t know what to do with all the chemicals so it turns most of it to glucose and stores it; the body does know what to do with sugar…it turns it to glucose and stores it. That storage we call FAT!

Currently Green Kidz is trying in a small way to help the busy mothers with the hardest meal of the day. Lunch! Giving the kids the boxes from the store, is easy, but…it is just giving them the sugar, fat and chemicals; and what does the body do even at that young age…stores it! Giving them a boxed lunch without the junk is just as easy and much better for the child.
The shades of the past: I can remember hearing all the excuses from everyone why I was FAT. The only thing that happened was I continued to get fatter and fatter till I weighted 308 lbs. My Mother, bless her, was a great cook. I was never at a want for good home cooking. But, even in those days sugar, fat, and white flour were used a lot in home cooked meals. Today we really do know better and are cooking lighter and better at home. In the past us kids played outside a lot. I also had dancing as a passion. Lots of exercise! Today we are a sedimentary society. One reason is because of what I am using right now…a computer.

Okay, so how does this all fit together? We should be smarter now with all the information that is out there. Excuses don’t work! Never have and never will. That mother should stop giving her daughter excuses and start taking an interest in what her child eats and how much exercise she gets. Teaching her the right way to eat and what is good for the body. Green Kidz has a great idea for mothers. Great meals without all the junk, that gets stored. We must learn the ratio of how much intake of food we can have to the amount of exercise the body gets. We are no longer plowing fields or doing the energy using every day events or the past. Smaller meals that are more balanced to today’s health and exercise standards are necessary. Why? Because we are teaching are children to be fat adults. 69% of the nation is overweight or obese; and that number is rising. Good for Green Kidz for giving us an option.

Making choices for health and weight balance is an option that can be learned, even by children.

Amazingly Yours,
Dr. Marlene

You can learn more about my weight loss of 170 lbs. and the mental methods that I used in my book: The Thinking Side to Thin: available at Amazon or under links to my sites.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Color Comes before Style

One Monday of this week I said that color has a profound effect on each of us every day. It assaults our senses, envelopes our every waking moment. It pulls pokes and prods us, and has a profound effect on our emotions. It stops us in your tracks, can make us hungry and makes us want to buy. It moves at the speed of light and helps program the brain to accept or reject the spoken or written word. For each of us it is buried somewhere in our DNA. That means that each of us knows instinctively colors that make us look good. The problem that most of us have is…we are swayed by style.

Developing a way to get to the colors that will always make us look good can be a problem as you walk into any store today. The array of clothes, styles and colors is mind boggling! Being able to cut through that array just to the color and cut of clothes for our own personality can be time consuming. Knowing a time saying method can help. This method works for men or women even teens that want to develop a true look that is there’s.

As you walk into any store, stop! You want to be far enough away from the clothes that styles will not influence your decision. Now from this vantage point, scan the entire area of clothes slowly several times side to side. As you do notice where to eye stops. If it keeps stopping on black keep trying. Black is a safe color. You are looking for the color that your eye and brain knows is right for you. (This action may surprise you at first.)

If there are only one or two areas, great note them then and only than wade deep into the clothes and see what style is right for your body in those colors. If you don’t find anything, it just might be that the buyer for that area is only buying colors they like. Thus not understanding there is another whole world of color lovers out there. If it is a small shop, you may be up against the same problem and that shop may not be right for you no matter how great of styles they have. Remember color is always the first thing people notice.

By using this method, you will discover that matching items in your own closet will become easier. Colors will work together better. And more clothes in your closet will be used. Letting go of the items that are the wrong color for you no matter how great the style will become easier. Compliments will follow. Go have some fun shopping and experiment.

Amazing Yours
Dr. Marlene

You can read all about the color systems and how they work in my book Marketing’s Silent Language,

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Understanding Color With Science

Yesterday I gave a speech and decided to try one that I have been working on for some time. The speech had to do with the psychology of being evaluated when you first meet someone. Although there are 7 different items in the process I left the color item till the last because of past experience with other the audiences.

Because I announced this was an interactive speech, I took questions throughout the talk. I knew that the color item was going to draw the most interest. Even the men in the audience had questions and statements as to how color has helped them many times in business.
Early during interest in color one woman mentioned the…winter, spring, summer, fall aspect of color; at that point I noticed the body language of the men and the eye rolls. However, when I explained that the scientific method of color and the blue base – yellow base system, the men were intrigued; and they got it!

If you stick with the real provable science of any theory it will always win. So speaking from the scientific end of color I explained the two different classifications and how you tell the difference. I explained how they are measured. Some people (a little over 66% of the population) have more blue in their skin; while the remaining people have more yellow in their skin.

Each system (blue and yellow) have an entire color wheel except for two colors.

  • In the blue base color wheel there is no orange -- Why? Because there is too much yellow in orange.
  • In the yellow base color wheel there is not magenta – - Why? Because there is too much blue in magenta.

Simple to understand for the men and quick to check.

Over the years what I have learned is that men, when they understand and “get” this system, can be better at spotting the differences then most women. Men don’t seem to be affected by the “styles” of the hour.

When you understand this system, buying clothes and decorating your home can become easier. However, the real help in business in understand this system when present, sell or market to others. You can use the system to your advantage. And in todays market any advantage helps. More next time.

Amazingly Yours
Dr. Marlene

You can read all about the systems and how they work in my book Marketing’s Silent Language,

Monday, October 8, 2007

Why is Color Important?

Over the next few posts I will be discussing color, how it works and why it is important. We are engulfed in color daily; but have you ever really thought about it what it does and how it works?

It assaults your senses, envelopes your every waking moment. It pulls pokes and prods you, and has a profound effect on your emotions. It stops you in your tracks, can make you hungry and makes you want to buy. It moves at the speed of light and helps program the brain to accept or reject the spoken or written word. Color is an incredibly powerful business tool.

How does color work? We are assaulted on a daily basis of over 16.3 million colors. This assault is actually due to the science of color…the chemical make-up of the object being viewed along with the light under which it is viewed. You make constant choices based on this science. There is a chemical and light reaction in the eye and this process creates a physical reaction that is unique to color or color combinations. (Such as my reaction to certain colors of blue used on certain objects.)

Two important psychological things take place when you view color.
  1. You will feel more comfortable with and desire that colors that are in your spectrum. (The spectrums will be explained in the next posting.) To your eyes, the colors in your spectrum are more desired to you and obviously better taste. Each color of the spectrum that is opposite to your eyes might appear dull, or not as sharp, harsh, garish or even a little cheap. While the colors that are in your spectrum have a more pleasing look.
  2. There is also a reaction in your mind. You are automatically drawn to certain colors because of past associations and experiences with them. That has nothing to do with your “color within your DNA”, but rather the psychological associations you have had with those colors in the past. For example many little girls love pink and many times mature women revert back to that same color to bring back youth that is past.

Color is one of the first things other people notice about you when you meet for the first time. It does not have to be their spectrum for an appealing reaction. It must be in your spectrum to make you look good. It might even be part of that memorable combination necessary for you to stand out.

Imagine what the world would be like without color. Think about the movie Pleasantville. It all started as a black and white with shades of gray existence…then color was added. Things were never the same. Become amazing learn about color. More later...

Amazingly Yours
Dr. Marlene

Friday, October 5, 2007

Taking Control of One’s Life

On the show on Wednesday (10/3/07) I talked with an organizer (Regina Leeds) about what it meant to a person when they organized parts of their living space. She said that when you organize you are taking control. That got me to thinking about taking control of other parts of our own lives.

When I wrote “The Thinking Side to Thin” one of the themes throughout the book is taking control back from being overweight. Understanding what we put in our mouths and what is the affect on our bodies. Supplements are a great place to start.

Supplements today in the US are I think a trillion dollar business. (Give or take a billion) But how many of us really understand what those supplements do to each of us and how they react to other medication that we take.

At one point on my road to losing the 170 pounds I though since I was not eating the huge amounts that I use to eat, I would need supplements to help keep me active and energized. Was I wrong! When I increased my supplements my weight loss came to a screeching halt! My body said “Oh good you are giving me what I need, why should I go get it from the stored fat!” So I had to become a detective and started investigating about every supplement I took.

We have a lifetime of information available to us (both good and bad) on the internet today. But with diligence we can weed out the bad. What did I discover? Many of the supplements I had been taking were completely unnecessary. And with others, I found out that taking them together made them useless. At another time I had a bad reaction to two supplements that I was taking. In my body, taken together, I GAINED WEIGHT…not the outcome that I wanted at the time.

As I say in “The Thinking Side to Thin”, I became a walking experiment. I worked at finding out what was the best possible combination for my body. I TOOK CONTROL! Then my outcome was what I wanted. My weight loss was much easier and I had the energy and I was more active than ever.

Taking control is very empowering. The control radiates out to other parts of your life. This type is not control of arrogance, but the real control and the feeling that you understand what is going on. An internal confidence, that radiates to others. You can get the book on one of my favorite links on this page.

Again today I want to thank all my radio listeners that have made my show Amazing Women, brains, beauty & style the #1 show, after only 8 weeks, on Voice America Women.

Amazingly Yours,
Dr. Marlene

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

WOW - Thanks to all my Listeners!

I have a great big thanks to all the growing number of listeners. After only 8 weeks with a radio show I hit #1 on the Voice America Women Network. Today we crossed 13 weeks and that is a magic number in radioland. Jeff, the president of Voice America said he expected good numbers, but these surprised him. And Me! Of course now they expect more.

What ever is going on...please... keep it up! I am working hard at bringing great interviews to the show; Amazing Women, brains, beauty & style. Bright, sharp and smart women and we have a great time on the show. Most guests think the hour goes by too quickly. So keep telling everyone about the show. In the coming weeks I will have some additions to the show that I think everyone will like. My list of amazing women to interview is always in need of new people. I do have a place on my website (see favorite links) to contact me with names and don't forget their email address. If you think of something you would like discussed on the show...send me that also. I am open to suggestions.

The amazing woman I had on today Regina Leeds, the guru of organizing and decluttering was so good with all her stories and information (pick it up from the rss feed) she could help all of us live life less cluttered. I talked to her off the air today after the show and she has agreed to do a show around the first of the year on how to make the post holidays less stressful and what to do to get organized for 2008. So don't miss this one. If you sign up for my E-Card that goes out each week telling you about the show, you won't miss a thing.

Hey advertisers...if you are looking for a show with a growing female audience, this is the one you are looking for; with more on tap for 2008.

One last posting. Congratulations to Tim and Cathleen (our youngest boy) they are making us first time Grandparents!! Yahoo! You will make great parents and just imagine it should only take about 25 years to get it right.

Amazingly Yours
Dr. Marlene